Open Badges and Open Virtual Mobility

Open Badges and Open Virtual Mobility

In 2018 is scheduled for a number of Open Education events including the Open Education Week, which took place 5-9 March 2018. The contribution of the Open Virtual Mobility project to the Open Education Week was an on-site workshop titled “Open Education – Impact of Openness: institutions, resources, tools, teachers, subjects” organised by our partner organisation Politehnica University of Timisoara and facilitated by Diana Andone from the eLearning Center, and the online contribution titled “Open Badges and Open Virtual Mobility” presented by Ilona Buchem from Beuth University of Applied Sciences (Coordinator of the Open Virtual Mobility project).

The workshop highlighted the impact of openness on policies, at European level, at institution level, how teachers and students can influence this impact. It looked into how open educational resources (OER), Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) and Open Credentials such as Open Badges can be accessed, used and integrated into all levels of education including virtual mobility. The workshop invited nine international speakers and addressed academics, students, teachers of undergraduate education, specialists in training companies, IT or HR departments.

The online contribution on Open Badges introduced the concept of Open Badges, provided practical examples on how Open Badges have been implemented in various educational sectors and outlined how Open Badges will be used in the Open Virtual Mobility project to recognise virtual mobility skills of educators and students.

You can view the website of the local event here
and the the slides of the online contribution on SlideShare.

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