6th Transnational Partner Meeting: online Ibiza

6th Transnational Partner Meeting: online Ibiza

Due to the COVID19 crisis, the 6th Transnational Partner Meeting, hosted by the University of the Balearic Islands and which had been planned to be held in Ibiza, has moved online and has been celebrated this week, 18th and 19th May 2020. The two-day meeting has been really special since all partners contributed to the feeling of being online together and have enjoyed learning about the location by exploring some websites after work. The photos of the group evidence the positive attitude and the spirit we have all maintained during work.

The meeting focus was centered on quality and sustainability and the main aim was to address final milestones in order to conclude work and prepare final reports. Thus, we all reported on the work done and coordinated with others in order to organize last steps. The quality approach has been observed form the very beginning since all our products have been developed under the Design-Based Research for which they have been created, developed and assessed to be improved in three iterative cycles. Our MOOC developed in Output 6 by RomaTre has now been tested by three waves of cohorts and we are proud to have achieved a product which combines sustainability and quality for the years to come after the lifetime of the project. Likewise, the Learning Hub, developed and maintained by Timisoara Polythecnical University has been improved through the three-year period and we offer now a place around which keep working on further dissemination of (Open) Virtual Mobilities across Higher Education institutions in Europe. All the other partners, reported on current state of work to adjust their final steps into these two main creations and in terms of future practice and research.

The sustainability strategy has also been initiated with the inaugural session of the Special Interest Group (SIG)  on Virtual Mobility on Tuesday 19th May chaired by George Ubachs, from EADTU partner. We all agreed in the members to take part in it and the calendar for the next five year. And most importantly, we all agreed in our main responsibilities, key tasks and resources to sustain the Open Virtual Mobility efforts…  The last draft of the ME event to be held online was also presented to the partnership.

The quality approach has also been contemplated for the work processes and during these 36 intensive month, every other month, since February 2018 we have been reporting on our work pace, strengths and difficulties. The following visual represents the most frequent adjectives used by partners to describe their impressions on the work and partnership.

Please, stay tunned as we have scheduled the new release of drafts and final reports until September 2020. As for us, we will keep the online-Ibiza spirit alive!