O5: OpenVM Multiplier Event at Online Educa Berlin 2019

O5: OpenVM Multiplier Event at Online Educa Berlin 2019

The 5th OpenVM Multiplier Event titled

Enhancing internationalisation in the university of the future: The role of open credentials for virtual mobility of students and teachers.

was a half-day event and took place on 27.11.2019 as a Pre-Conference Workshop at Online Educa Berlin 2019.

The event was fully booked which is a great sign of interest in Open Credentials for the internationalisation in higher education.

The 5th OpenVM Multiplier Event was dedicated to OpenVM Credentials developed in Output 5 by Prof. Ilona Buchem at Beuth University of Applied Sciences and by the Bestr Team at CINECA in the OpenVM project.

The workshop methodology was based on the Design Thinking approach and included the following 6 steps:

Step 1: Introduction of participants and own experiences with virtual mobility and/or open credentials.

Step 2: Introduction of the OpenVM project incl. research, design, implementation and testing of OpenVM Credentials.

Step 3: Hands-on exploration of the OpenVM Learning Hub with integrated badging platform Bestr for issuing OpenVM Credentials.

Step 4: Introduction to the learning design activity incl. Design Thinking methodology.

Step 5: Design thinking activity aiming at the design of concepts for the integration of open credentials into teaching/training.

Step 6: Presentation of the results from the design thinking activity and discussion about the role of open credentials for internationalisation in the university of the future.

Below you can see the slides and pictures.

Download the full document (PDF) OpenVM_OEB2019_Multiplier5s