O7: Quality and Sustainability

O7: Quality and Sustainability

O7: Quality Assurance, Dissemination and Sustainability


The development of the OpenVM E+ project based  on a Quality Assessment Framework is rooted in two main axes:

  • The Design-Based Research model, which is suitable both for innovation and research in education. The iterative cycle of innovation production informs the improvement of knowledge so, innovation becomes, at the same time, educational implementation and research.
  • A set of international frameworks on the diverse aspects of Open Virtual Mobility such as: the ENQA recommendations for HE institutions (2009) and the updated version ESG (2015) by ENQA ESU, EUA and EURASHE, the Updating Quality Assessment for E-learning (2016), the OpenEdu Framework (2016), and the Virtual Mobility Matrix by EADTU (2018). Also the work by Jansen, Rosewell and Kear (2016) is considered in the quality assurance of the MOOC.

Furthermore, the QAF for the OpenVM project focuses on pedagogy and the self-regulated learning approach. In this regard, the learning design of the diverse elements of the OpenVM Learning Hub and MOOC is committed to promote the knowledge and development of self-regulated learning skills.

Based on the work done so far, we kindly ask for our networks to give advice on the following issues:

  • Which other frameworks can guide the quality of the OpenVM E+ projects?
  • How can we align the OpenVM Learning Hub/MOOC and other elements with SRL?

Current work on the SRL design shows the alignment of the MOOC and Hub elements with SRL mandates!

OUTPUT O7.A1.1 here


QAF is also aware of the importance of teamwork and the key role of a distributed approach of leadership. Therefore, the work carried out in milestones 2 presents an internal organisation of the partnership based on the distributed leadership. And in milestone 3, we develop an instrument to follow-up teamwork, mood and work production.  As for this work, we kindly ask our network to help us giving feedback on the following aspects:

  • What key concepts and strategies can help in improving our distributed leadership approach?
  • Would you use our instrument for the teamwork assessment and tell us about its usefulness ?

Current work on the teamwork monitoring shows that our beloved OpenVM partnership a very good health!

Output O7.A1.2 here


Output O7. A1. 3 here



This document presents the three milestones of the Output 07 on the sustainability plan. After a short introduction about the Open Virtual Mobility Erasmus+ project (OpenVM from now on), the first half of the document mainly presents a very short review of some related concepts such as sustainable development and the different models for sustainability. After that, the Business model is argued as the basis for the OpenVM sustainability plan, which is followed by the general approach as a Green paper. The second half of the document presents partners’ suggestions for key partners, key activities and key resources, the first three elements of the chosen model. Afterwards, the OpenVM suggests a courageous plan which includes the social pillar of sustainable development as an initial stage for its strategy and develops these first three elements regarding their internal or external scope. Also, the network of related projects, such as key external partner organisations and institutions, which can enrich the possibilities for sustainability after project lifetime, is introduced. Finally, the last elements of the Business plan are developed such as the value propositions for the OpenVM E+.

Output 07.A3 here


Open Virtual Mobility is another opportunity to expand learning experiences and the Learning Hub is the place to meet and find people and resources.

Will you join us? Looking forward to receiving your feedback and comments !!

Output 7 team on behalf of the OpenVM partnership

Picture from Pixabay

Featured picture from Pixabay