O5-A1 Conceptual and Visual Design of Open Credentials to Recognise Virtual Mobility Skills

O5-A1 Conceptual and Visual Design of Open Credentials to Recognise Virtual Mobility Skills

O5-A1 Conceptual and Visual Design of Open Credentials to Recognise Virtual Mobility Skills

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The role of open credentials in the Open Virtual Mobility project was defined as follows:

“Open Credentials will be used as a component of the VM Learning Hub to recognise virtual mobility skills. Open Credentials encompass various tools and approaches, including Open Badges and Blockcerts” (Buchem at al., 2018, p. 360).

The document “O5-A1 Conceptual and Visual Design of Open Credentials to Recognise Virtual Mobility Skills” by Prof. Dr. Ilona Buchem from Beuth University of Applied Sciences Berlin and Dr. Chiara Carlino (CINCEA) addresses the following key three topics related to the design of open credentials:

  1. Design processes, methods and tools used in the Open Virtual Mobility project
  2. Design considerations linking open credentials to VM skills defined in Output 1
  3. Design of a set of OpenVM credentials to be implemented in the Learning Hub

The set of open credentials described in this paper is used for implementation and user testing in the Open Virtual Mobility Learning Hub in milestone O5-A2.4: Implementation in the VM Learning Hub and User-Testing (January 2019): https://hub.openvirtualmobility.eu

We are collecting feedback on the current design of OpenVM badges. If you have some ideas for us to improve the concept, please write us a comment below. We would also like to discuss the following questions:

  • What would be possible scenarios for putting OpenVM Credentials on the Blockchain in your view?
  • What would be the best method for user testing of the OpenVM Credentials in the OpenVM Learning Hub?
  • What would motivate learners to engage with and strive for OpenVM Credentials?

If you have some ideas to share, please drop us a comment below.


Buchem, I.; Konert, J., Carlino, Ch., Casanova, G., Rajagopal, K., Firssova, O. & Andone, D. (2018). Designing a Collaborative Learning Hub for Virtual Mobility Skills – Insights from the European Project Open Virtual Mobility. In: P. Zaphiris and A. Ioannou (Eds.) Learning and Collaboration Technologies. Design, Development and Technological Innovation. Springer International Publishing AG, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 10924, pp. 350-376. ISBN 978-3-319-91742-9
