O3-A1: Competency Directory Final Report and Manual

O3-A1: Competency Directory Final Report and Manual

O1-A1:  Competency Directory – Final Report

Milestone  document (issued  September 2020):

The competency directory is an Open Source development published, maintained and operated by the Open Virtual Mobility project. One instance is available at http://cd.openvirtualmobility.eu, which provides a web interface to the 33 competency and skill definitions of the Open Virtual Mobility skills framework (cf. Output O1). This document includes the methodology description and results of requirement analysis and the desired functionality. Additionally, it describes the setup of own instances using the Open Source code, explains the functionality and usage of the web frontend including the benefits of the unique deep links to entries which can be used as referencing URLs to either see the website or fetch machine readable data in JSON-LD format about the competencies. Overall, this document provides several guidelines to set up and use the competency directory, especially in use with Open Badges.

The Open Source repository is available on GitHub https://github.com/openVirtualMobility/competency-directory .

Download the full document (18 pages, PDF, 982kB) openVM_O3-A1_CompetencyDirectory__final_report_CURRENT