Ilona Buchem

Ilona Buchem

Ilona Buchem is Professor for Media and Communication at Beuth University of Applied Sciences Berlin, Faculty I Economics and Social Sciences. She holds a PhD in Business Education from Humboldt University and Certificate in Business Administration from St. Gallen University, Switzerland. Her research and teaching focus on fostering diversity, participation and inclusion through digital media. She has been involved in a number of projects aiming at enhancing Open Education, especially through fostering cooperations in higher education and with industry. Ilona Buchem has led a number of projects dedicated to Open Education, including Open Badge Network (Erasmus+, Strategic Partnership, KA2 2014-1-DE01-KA200-000675), BeuthBonus and CreditPoints (Qualification Programs for Migrant Academics, German Federal Program “Integration through Qualification”) and Digital Future (Digital Strategies for Higher Education, Stifterverband – German Association of Foundations for Science). Her current research focuses on fostering diversity through educational technology and new media, and closing the digital divide. She designs and delivers technology-enhanced courses both on-campus and on-line. As member of the Gender & Technology Centre at Beuth, Buchem supports gender equality & diversity. Buchem has an extensive experience in designing, coordinating and participating in national and international virtual mobility actions in higher education including Seminar 2.0, iCollaborate, Future Social Learning Networks projects. She also brings recognised expertise in design of Personal Learning Environments, see publications at The program “Digital Future” at Beuth University, led by Prof Buchem is dedicated to designing and implementing digital strategies in HE with focus on Open Education and development of digital skills in HEs.