Open Virtual Mobility Output 6 - OER, MOOC and Pilots Final Report

Open Virtual Mobility Output 6 - OER, MOOC and Pilots Final Report

The OpenVM OERs (O6.A1) and MOOCs (O6.A2) were aimed at helping Higher Education (HE) teachers and students to develop their VM skills and apply them to Virtual and Blended Mobility programs, actions and activities in various contexts. The OpenVM Pilot phase (O6.A3) was aimed at validating the MOOCs design and quality.

Output 6 (O6) was based on Open Learning and other Open Educational Practices as tool to enhance Virtual Mobility (VM) Skills in HE. Partners identified, assessed and collaboratively designed VM OERs and the VM MOOC, following innovative design method such as the MOOC Design Canvas (Alario- Hoyos, Pérez Sanagustín, Cormier, & Delgado Kloos, 2014).

In order to guarantee the quality of the OpenVM OERs and MOOCs, careful planning and continuous revision was required. In O6, different strategies to collect feedback from educators and learners who participated in the MOOCs were developed. O6 was accomplished in several steps: (a) designing the concept of VM MOOC with diverse activities to foster both self-directed and collaborative learning, (b) defining and designing the course content using existing and producing new OERs, (c) developing teaching and evaluation methods and tools, (c) testing the approach. Piloting was a key element for the validation, mainstreaming and ensuring the sustainability of the project outcomes. The OpenVM pilot phase allowed us to enhance the user experience throughout the project based on the principles of the Design Based Research. The pilot also helped in assessing the feasibility and adequacy of the implementation plan and developing solutions to ensureproject sustainability. Lastly, the results of the pilot phase may convince higher education organisations, educators and stakeholders in general that the VM model is effective for opening up education and enhancing internalisation in higher education.

O6 Final Report