OpenVM at Online Educa Berlin 2018

OpenVM at Online Educa Berlin 2018

ONLINE EDUCA BERLIN (OEB) is a cross-sector, global conference,  which has been run for 24 years now to foster exchange between the corporate, education and public service sectors. Over 2,000 international learning professionals from over 80 countries and over 100 exhibitors bring together their expertise and experience. OEB allows to discover new opportunities for cross border and cross sectoral collaboration and make connections with policy makers, higher education leaders and ICT administrators, academics, technology experts, workplace learning and development specialists: those at the forefront of shaping the future of digital learning.

This year, the Open Virtual Mobility Erasmus+ project was presented in two sessions (both Learning Cafés) by Ilona Buchem (the coordinator of the project):

  1. Online International Collaboration: Language Learning and Intercultural Skills, Thursday, 6 December 2018,  12:00 – 13:00
  2. Designing a Collaborative Learning Hub for Open Virtual Mobility, Friday, 7 December 2018, 12:00 – 13:30