OpenVM at EADTU’s Task Force and Peer Learning Activity on VM

OpenVM at EADTU’s Task Force and Peer Learning Activity on VM

Last 29th and 30th April, OpenVM participated in the EADTU’s Task Force and Peer Learning Activity on VM and the annual EADTU-EU Summit in Brussels, both hosted by EADTU. And today the report on Innovative Models for Collaboration and Student Mobility in Europe by EADTU has been finally released.

The OpenVM E+ partnership is glad to have participated and contributed to the international discussion on the potential and barriers for Virtual Mobility in Higher Education in Europe. There are many challenges to face but also the many good practices reported can inform and help to reach a greater uptake of VM in European Universities.

Open Virtual Mobility has been included, along with Virtual Exchange, as a related concept in the landscape of the different programmes and approaches to VM. Currently, the OpenVM team is working on the conceptual definition so, in the future, we’ll be able to keep contributing to such a powerful theme for the digitalisation and internationalisation of HE.