Milestone 2 pulication of Output 1 A2

Milestone 2 pulication of Output 1 A2

Download Output 1-A2openVM_O1_A2M2FinalSept2019

In the process of establishing the conceptual framework on Open Virtual Mobility learner skills and competences, the project group of OpenVM Erasmus+ project conducted a group concept mapping (GCM) study, which involved participation of experts on both Virtual Mobility and Open Education.

This paper elaborates on the organization, participants and procedures of the GCM study, presents the outcomes in detail and discusses them. Both the process and the results (competence framework and constituent competence areas) will be presented and elaborated on to facilitate and encourage further work with the data collected in this study.

The paper is directed at project members who participated in this study, researchers interested in Open Education and Virtual Mobility themes and the broader HE community with interest in Virtual Mobility.