EADTU Mobility Matrix published

EADTU Mobility Matrix published

Recently EADTU presented and published the EADTU Mobility Matrix. It was developed in response to the fast growth of new student mobility schemes using online education. To further promote innovation in mobility and prevent potential confusion of different schemes and linked definitions, EADTU developed this matrix.

The Mobility Matrix aligns with current mobility schemes of the European Commission, notably Erasmus+ KA1 Erasmus Mobility and the Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters Programmes, as well as with the ambitions of the EU and European Commission with regard to educational collaboration and mobility. It extends current schemes with a coherent view on virtual mobility and on open virtual mobility.

The matrix presents three forms of mobility: physical exchange mobility, virtual exchange mobility and open virtual exchange mobility. As virtual mobility is frequently confused with online distance education we also have added a column for distance education in order to compare virtual mobility with transnational online distance education.



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